Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Your Jesus GPS - Welcome Aboard!

Howdy.  I'm glad you're here.

20 years ago I wrote a book which was nearly published.  The impetus behind it is somewhat interesting but not worth sharing at the moment.

Now I will publish this work as an e-book through Kindle and Smashwords. Soon.  Today, of course, is August 6, 2014.  Once my formatter (Les Denton) finalizes the contents, I will post what will be my first published book and see what happens.  My designer (Jeremy Taylor) did a great job with the cover.  See below.

One thing I wish is that this blog generates good conversations and insightful reflections.  I want to hear your thoughts and reactions to what I recount in "Your Jesus GPS -- Find Direction, Personal Growth, Inner Peace and Joy."

Writing this book helped me develop a greater understanding of Jesus.  Perhaps it can facilitate the same in you, too.

Thanks for stopping by.  Bye.


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